Admission policies
This page tells you about how school places are decided for reception classes at primary schools and Year 7 places at secondary schools, and sixth form places at schools with a sixth form.
Each school has a set number of places at the beginning of the school year. If too many people apply for a place, the policies below set out how schools decide who will get a place.
Please read the following polices in conjunction with the information for parents booklets.
Schools' admission rules for Herefordshire local authority maintained schools 2024/25
These rules apply to community schools and voluntary controlled schools in the county.
View admissions arrangements for 2024-2025
Schools' admission rules for Herefordshire local authority maintained schools 2025/26
These rules apply to community schools and voluntary controlled schools in the county.
View admissions arrangements for 2025-2026
Schools' admission rules for Herefordshire local authority maintained schools 2026/27
These rules apply to community schools and voluntary controlled schools in the county.
View admissions arrangements for 2026-2027
Schools with their own admission rules
Some schools use their own admission rules. These are voluntary aided schools, academies and free schools.
View schools with their own admission arrangements
School sixth form policies
Herefordshire schools admissions contact details
Address: School Admissions, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane Offices, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LETelephone: Reception admissions officers 01432 260926 or 01432 261574
Telephone: Secondary phase transfer officer 01432 260925 Send Email