The Lord-Lieutenant of Herefordshire and Reverend Guy Cole Hosted The Princess of Wales’s “Together at Christmas” Community Carol Service at Leominster Priory

Leominster Priory was designated by The Princess of Wales as one of only eight churches in England for a service to celebrate the early years
As many as 800 people attended the Carol Service with standing room only for families to watch and enjoy their children from across the region including Earl Mortimer College and six feeder primary schools ( Leominster Primary School, Luston, Stoke Prior, Kimbolton, Ivington) as well as Westfield Special School, Leominster Priory Choir, the Cadets and the Family Place Foundation. The singing was spectacular and the enthusiasm and joy of the children and parents alike was infectious. It culminated in the whole congregation singing Santa’s Coming Down the chimney in a round, set to the music of Frere Jacques. And it worked!
The service was hosted by Herefordshire’s Lord-Lieutenant Edward Harley CBE and Reverend Guy Cole, who brought the congregation together with prayers and words of support for this vibrant north Herefordshire community. The service was brilliantly curated and directed by Hilary Norris
The Priory’s Director of Music. Hilary has been pivotal to the service, orchestrating the schools, perfecting the carols and encouraging participation. Other guests in attendance included the High Sheriff of Herefordshire, Robert Robinson; the Chairman of the County Council, Roger Phillips; the leader of the Council, Paul Walker, representatives from Herefordshire’s police and fire services and the Mayor of Leominster, Alan Williams.
These special Community Carol services across the UK have been designated by The Princess of Wales as a moment to support the youngest members of our society, celebrate the importance of early childhood and to thank all those who work to support babies, young children and their families in communities across the UK. Her Royal Highness and the Royal Foundation launched the Shaping Us Campaign in January as the cornerstone of an awareness-raising drive to increase public understanding of the crucial importance of the first five years of a child’s life.
His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Herefordshire, Mr Edward Harley CBE said “Herefordshire was privileged to have been offered this opportunity to be part of the Shaping Us campaign and to put on a service at one of our most beautiful churches. Celebrating our very young people and representing their community during this service last night has kicked off our 2023 Herefordshire Christmas celebrations in a festive and youthful style. I also really enjoyed the delicious mince pies that Earl Mortimer College made for the event!”