Apply for street naming and numbering - new development

We have a statutory duty to ensure that new roads and streets within the county are properly named and that the properties fronting onto them are appropriately numbered.

When to apply

We advise you to apply at the earliest opportunity, ideally as soon as the final layout of the development is confirmed even if construction has not yet started or is still at an early stage.

You will need a confirmed postal address when obtaining service connections to the new properties, and also in the processing of property sales. Therefore, leaving it late may cause you difficulties.


Before applying for street naming and numbering please read the street naming and numbering policy. This provides guidance on the process, what you need to do and how to choose appropriate road or building names should you wish to do so.

Complete the online application below and have the necessary drawings ready to upload to your application.

Apply online for street naming and numbering for new development only

If this is not possible, please contact us using the email contact details below.

Building control street naming contact details

For applications or enquiries for street naming or numbering, house name changes, or registering a new house name

Address: Herefordshire Council Building Control, Council Offices, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE
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