Keeping livestock and poultry


To keep livestock (sheep, cattle, goats and pigs) you need a County Parish Holding number from the Rural Payments Agency. Please call them on 0300 0200 301.

As well as a holding number, every holding with livestock must register each species kept with the Animal and Plant Health Agency on 0300 0200 301. When you register, you are issued with a flock number for sheep and goats or a herd mark for pigs and cattle. The flock or herd marks are a quick and effective way of identifying the premises that the species have moved from, should the movements need to be tracked. You can find further information on the registration of cattle, sheep, goat and pig holdings on the government animal welfare pages.

To move livestock you will need to apply for an animal movement licence.


Poultry registration for keeper with less than 50 birds

In England and Wales you must register if you are a keeper of less than 50 poultry or other kept birds by 1 October 2024.
This includes any birds you keep as pets. You are breaking the law if you do not register.

You do not need to register psittaciformes or passeriformes (such as budgies, parrots, cockatiels and finches) if they are both:

  • Fully housed in a dwelling (your home or another indoor structure) and
  • Kept indoors at all times with no access to outdoor spaces

By registering:

  • The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) will contact you with updates and guidance if there’s a disease outbreak (such as bird flu) in your area
  • You’ll help prevent the spread of disease and protect all kept birds, including back yard flocks

Register online at GOV.UK . It should take about five minutes.

They will ask you for:

  • Your contact details
  • Details of the owner of the birds (if this is not you)
  • The location where you keep the birds
  • Details of the birds you keep (species, number and what you keep them for)

Register as a keeper of less than 50 poultry or other captive birds - GOV.UK

Poultry registration for keeper with 50 or more birds

It’s a legal requirement to register if you are the keeper of 50 or more birds.

You must complete the form on GOV.UK to: register to be a keeper of 50 or more poultry or other captive birds.