Procurement Act 2023 - guidance for suppliers

Public Procurement Legislation is changing in October 2024.

The Procurement Act 2023 and the Procurement Regulations 2024 will apply from 28 October 2024, and will change how public procurement is carried out. This is aimed at improving the way supplies, services and works are procured for the public sector.

Helpful resources for suppliers

The key benefits of the new legislation for suppliers are available within a short guide on GOV.UK.

Videos and animations explaining the new Procurement Act and the Procurement Regulations are also available for:

  • Suppliers
  • Suppliers classed as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and voluntary and community sector enterprises (VCSEs).

There are a series of Knowledge Drops for suppliers and SMEs/VCSEs which are designed to provide a high-level overview of the changes to the regulations covering a variety of topics including:

  • The new Central Digital Platform
  • Early market engagement
  • Changes to procurement procedures
  • Open frameworks and dynamic markets
  • Commitments around prompt supplier payment
  • The Act's transparency ambition, and
  • Notice publication requirements

The new Central Digital Platform

The Central Digital Platform will be used by public sector bodies to publish details of new procurement opportunities. This has not yet been introduced, and we understand that this will be accessed via the government's Find a Tender website.

It will be a single place for suppliers to register and upload key business information typically asked for by Herefordshire Council and other public-sector bodies. Suppliers can keep their details up to date in one place. Features will include reduced duplication and resources used to tender, and the ability to set up custom searches and receive alerts. It will be free to access.

Please note that Herefordshire Council will still use the Supplying the South West procurement portal to advertise its notices, receive bids from suppliers and manage its procurement activities. The Central Digital Platform will be an additional website where all notices will also be published.

How you can prepare for the new regulations

You can research the information provided by the government to get a good understanding of the new legislation and the changes coming on 28 October 2024. You can register and submit your business information on the Central Digital Platform when this becomes available.

Further information

You will find more information on the government's Transforming Public Procurement page, where you can check for regular updates or sign up to receive regular updates.