Air quality management areas

Herefordshire's air quality problems are mainly related to traffic. We use local transport plans to improve accessibility, air quality and safety, and ease congestion.

We monitor air quality (particulates and nitrogen dioxide) using an automatic analyser at Victoria Street, Hereford and at Bargates in Leominster. We also monitor nitrogen dioxide (NO2) from a number of diffusion tubes located in roadside locations around the city, market towns and county. These test tube type samples enable us to have monthly averages for NO2. You can download the figures for nitrogen dioxide for 2015 to 2023 in the county.

The national air quality strategy provides a framework for air quality control in the UK.

We also produce an annual air quality status report which considers all new monitoring data and assesses the data against the national Air Quality Objectives (AQO). It also considers any major changes in the county that may have an impact on air quality and reports on progress of measures to improve air quality. You can download our air quality status reports for 2016 to 2024.

Herefordshire has two air quality management areas - each declared due to a breach of the Government's objective for nitrogen dioxide. All are a result of traffic near to housing. The two areas are:

Location Description Approx. number of houses in area Pollution objective exceeded Action plan
Hereford area designated in the Hereford City Air Quality Management Area (Nitrogen Dioxide) The A49(T) corridor in Hereford, extending from Holmer Road in the north to Belmont Road in the south and extending east along New market/Blue School Street and west along Eign Street as far as Barton Yard. 160 Nitrogen Dioxide annual mean Hereford action plan (PDF)
Leominster area designated in the Bargates (Leominster) Air Quality Management Area (Nitrogen Dioxide) An area encompassing the junction between the A44 (Bargates) and B4361 (Dishley Street/Cursneh Road) in Leominster. 20 Nitrogen Dioxide annual mean Bargates action plan (PDF)

The location maps for the two air quality management areas are on the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs' (DEFRA) website.