Report a food problem

If you have purchased food which you believe may not be fit for consumption or contains something that should not be present within it (or its packaging), we will arrange to examine the food and may send it for analysis. If you have concerns about a food premises or food practice, we will arrange to visit the premises to assess whether the regulations are being met.

We will investigate complaints about foodstuffs, premises or practices to determine whether or not the situation compromises food safety and/or contravenes any relevant legislation. We will take all reasonable steps to remedy any unsatisfactory situations and a range of options are available to us, including legal action if appropriate.

You can use the Food Standards Agency online form and you should tell us if you find:

  • Poor food hygiene
  • A foreign object in your food
  • Lack of cleanliness of facilities

To report a food problem please use our contact us form, email or call 01432 261761 on Monday to Friday - 9am to 4.15pm.