Fit and Proper Person test
The Mobile Homes (Requirement for Manager of Site to be a Fit and Proper Person) (England) Regulations 2020, require the manager of a site to be a Fit and Proper Person (F&PP) (the Regulations).
Herefordshire Council is accordingly required to have a fit and proper person test for mobile home site owners, or the person appointed to manage the site, unless they are eligible for an exemption under the Regulations.
The current fee for a F&PP test application to be assessed is £187.
You can read more about the Regulations in the following documents:
- Mobile homes Fit and Proper Person determination policy
- Mobile homes Fit and Proper Person fee policy
Apply to be included on the Mobile Homes Fit and Proper Person Register
Mobile homes Fit and Proper Person public register
The government have published guidance for local authorities and site owners.
If you need the application form in another format or have any questions please email