Missed business rates payments

If you are struggling to pay your business rates or are behind with your payments, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss. We will be able to check that you are receiving all reliefs that you are entitled to.

If you miss a payment we will issue a reminder notice to you and you will have seven days to pay. If you fail to do this, we will send you a final notice. Once you have received a final notice, you have lost the right to pay by instalments and you must immediately pay all of your business rates for the year. If your account remains unpaid, we will issue a summons for you to attend the Magistrates Court and costs of £82.50 will be added to your account.

Court summons

If you receive a summons and would like to make an arrangement to pay your business rates before the court hearing, please contact the recovery section on 01432 260373 or email recovery@herefordshire.gov.uk Phone lines are open Monday, Thursday and Friday 10am to 4pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 1pm to 4pm.

If we issue a summons, we will apply for a liability order which will help us to collect the money you owe. The order gives us the power to recover the money you owe by:

  • Sending bailiffs to your property
  • Declaring you bankrupt or insolvent
  • Sending you to prison

The only defence against the granting of a liability order is to pay the full charge including any additional costs, unless the summons is served incorrectly. If you receive a summons but do not have a valid defence and cannot pay in full as required, you do not need to attend the hearing. The liability order will be granted in your absence. You should contact us immediately to discuss this.

Business rates contact details

Address: Council Tax and Business Rates Team, Revenues and Benefits, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE
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