Health assessments for care leavers
All looked after children have to have a health assessment every six months. As you get older you are entitled to refuse a health assessment. We would really encourage you to go to your health assessment though as the LAC health nurses have a lot of knowledge and experience that can help.
The purpose of the health assessment is to make sure that all of your health needs are met – not just physical health but emotional and mental health needs as well.
Contact the 16+ care leavers team
Your personal advisor will give you their phone number for you to contact them directly. If you need some urgent advice or support, please contact the 16+ duty worker using the details below.
Address: 33-35 Union Street, Hereford HR1 2BTOffice open 8.45am to 5.15pm Monday to Thursday or 8.45am to 4.45pm on a Friday Send Email