Reaching net zero will require us to generate more renewable energy. Generating energy locally allows householders, land owners, community groups and businesses to reduce their emissions and bring down their energy costs. This benefits our local communities and our economy.

But it’s essential that renewables are only deployed in the right place, using the right technology and at the right scale.

To help identify suitable opportunities for solar and wind opportunities, we are developing a map of the county showing areas which are unsuitable for renewables development and those where there is potential for rooftop solar energy.

The map will identify those areas that are unsuitable for development due to nature conservation and heritage value or where there are practical barriers to development. For rooftop solar, the mapping also provides modelled figures for the generation potential.

For more information please email:

Three examples of solar panels on rooftops in Herefordshire at Herefordshire Leisure Centre, Leominster Multi-Agency Office and Hillside care home

Rooftop solar installations in Herefordshire at Herefordshire Leisure Centre, Leominster Multi-Agency Offices and on housing.