Local services and support for refugees

English lessons

Herefordshire Council have commissioned the South Wye Development Trust to provide dedicated English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) lessons for refugees resettling in Herefordshire and people arriving from the Ukraine.

View the timetable for details of the current ESOL classes.

Translation and interpretation services

The Herefordshire Language Network provides face-to-face, video and telephone interpreting as well as text translation, all by trained providers. The network offers work to local interpreters and translators whenever possible.

Volunteer your time

If you would like to volunteer your time as part of the emergency response, please either contact HVOSS at volunteer@hvoss.org.uk or visit the HVOSS website.

Herefordshire City of Sanctuary supports refugees and those seeking sanctuary from violence and persecution. Their work is undertaken exclusively by volunteers.

Find out more about how to volunteer for Herefordshire City of Sanctuary.

Donations of goods, clothes and furniture

We are working with Hereford Help for Ukraine to collect and deliver donated furniture and other household items that are in a re-usable condition. These are being redistributed to Ukrainians and other refugees, who are in need.

Contact refugeesupport@herefordshire.gov.uk for more information.

For current information about what items they need, visit Hereford Help for Ukraine's Facebook page.

Herefordshire Council does not take any donations other than re-usable furniture. For a wider offer from the voluntary and community sector of organisations that reuse old or unwanted items, take a look at the list of reuse organisations in Herefordshire.

Financial donations

If you would like to offer a financial donation, the Disasters Emergency Committee brings together 15 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently at times of humanitarian crisis overseas. Their Emergency Fund helps a quick and effective response when a crisis hits.

Other offers

If you have any other offers of support including access to your service, your business, offers regarding health or mental health of refugees, collaborations, or any other reason, please email refugeesupport@herefordshire.gov.uk