Archaeology advice and support
Herefordshire Archaeology investigates, records, documents, conserves and promotes the archaeology and historic landscapes of Herefordshire.
It is the county archaeological service maintained by Herefordshire Council. It is part of the Built and Natural Environment team in the Council's Economy and Place Directorate. The service exists to assess, investigate, document, conserve and promote the archaeology and historic landscape of the county and cathedral city. The service currently comprises a core staff of three: the Archaeological Advisor (who deals with planning enquiries and development advice), the Archaeological Projects Manager (who deals with research projects, Countryside Stewardship and partnership projects), and the Historic Environment Record Officer.
We are engaged in work that aims to raise public awareness and appreciation of the county's archaeology and historic landscape. We run a full events calendar, including an annual symposium, monthly historic landscape walks, and public talks.
Advice and support for the conservation and care of rural sites and monuments
We provide advice and support in the conservation, care and management of sites and monuments in the rural landscape. This covers a wide range of activities including:
- The provision of advice to agri-environmental schemes (Environmental Stewardship)
- New tree planting and felling operations
- Monument management
- Proposals outside the planning process
- The historic environment input to farm environment plans
- Help in preparing monument management plans
For more information on monuments and the landscape, please contact the archaeological projects manager, Tim Hoverd:
- Email:
- Telephone: 01432 383352
Historic landscape characterisation map
Herefordshire Archaeology provides advice on the protection, exploration, recording and promotion of Herefordshire's historic landscapes.
With the support of English Heritage, an historic landscape characterisation map of the county was produced in 2002. This project identified and mapped the age of the present-day cultural landscape, primarily using field shapes. Applications for new developments should consider the impact on the historic landscape in their proposals.
For further information on the historic landscape characterisation map, and to request access to data from it, please contact the Historic Environment Record at
For further information, please contact us:
- Historic Environment Record 01432 260130
- Archaeological advisor 01432 383350
- Archaeological projects manager 01432 383352
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