Other ways to pay your Council Tax
By direct debit
By phone
You can pay by credit or debit card by calling our payment line on 01432 260200. Have your bill to hand as you will need your 8 digit Council Tax account reference which is at the top of your bill.
At the Post Office
You can pay at any Post Office free of charge. Please take your bill with you, so that the Post Office can scan the barcode. Use Post Office's Branch Finder to find your nearest Post Office.
Pay with PayPoint 
You can pay free of charge anywhere that you see the PayPoint sign. Please take your bill with you, so that they can scan the barcode. Use PayPoint's Store locator to find your nearest PayPoint.
By cheque
You can pay your bill by sending a cheque to: Council Tax Section, Revenues and Benefits, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE. Please ensure your 8 digit Council Tax reference number is written on the back of the cheque.
By BACS or faster payment
You can pay by BACS or faster payment from your bank. Please use the bank account details below ensuring you quote your 8-digit account Council Tax reference number on all payments to ensure they are allocated against your Council Tax account.
- Account name: Herefordshire Council
- Sort Code: 53-50-41
- Account No: 55059805
Paying in instalments
We issue an annual Council Tax bill every March and your Council Tax is due in 10 monthly instalments unless you request the instalments over 12 months. Instalments are due on the 10th of each month, unless you pay by direct debit where a choice of payment dates is offered. If you wish to pay your Council Tax over 12 months, from April to March, please email us at counciltax@herefordshire.gov.uk, quoting your 8 digit Council Tax account reference number.