Request information about yourself
Make a subject access request (SAR)
Data Protection legislation gives you the right to apply for a copy of specific information held about you. This is known as a subject access request, (SAR). If you wish you can appoint someone to apply for you, for example a solicitor, or member of your family.
Before you start
Check we hold the information
Read our guide to requesting a subject access request. This sets out the information you can apply for and how you will receive it. You can request social care information held about you, but we do not hold school records or adoption records.
For these you should contact:
- School records - contact the last school you attended, which will handle the request
- Adoption records - contact your local Adoption Service. In Herefordshire this is Adoption Central England (ACE): 0300 369 0556
Check your ID documents
We must confirm your identity before we comply with a SAR. This is for security and to protect your confidentiality. We need to see an official document with a photograph, such as a current driving licence or passport. Have this ready to upload before you start the form.
If you are applying on behalf of someone else, you must have their signed permission for you to make the request. If the person lacks capacity to make the request you must be able to show evidence of your authority to act for them - such as a Power of Attorney document. We will contact you if we need more evidence.
Request information
Request information we hold about you
If you want to make an application under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004, visit our FOI and EIR page.
You can find details of how your request will be handled in our SAR procedure.
Request review procedure
If you are dissatisfied with the response to your request you can ask for an internal review.
Information governance contact details
For further information, speak to your social worker, or write or email us using the details below. The Information Commissioner's Office website provides more information about your rights.
Address: Information governance team, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE Send Email