Frequently asked questions about contingency accommodation for asylum seekers in Herefordshire

13 September 2023

We have put together a number of responses to some frequently asked questions below which will hopefully help widen understanding of this issue. These FAQs will be updated on a regular basis. You can read definitions of the terms used in these FAQs.

Why have asylum seekers been placed in hotel accommodation in Herefordshire?

The Home Office is using two hotels in Herefordshire as temporary accommodation, for people awaiting the outcome of their asylum application. The use of hotels is happening across the country and not just in Herefordshire. This is due to the number of boats that cross the English Channel continuing to rise, which means that not all asylum seekers can be accommodated in specialised migrant processing centres. 

If you have any questions about either hotel, please contact the Home Office by emailing or calling 020 7035 4848.

Is Herefordshire Council asked if hotel accommodation in the county can be used for this?

No. The Home Office makes the decision on which hotels are used as contingency accommodation and where they place those seeking asylum.

Is Herefordshire Council receiving any funding for this?

Contingency accommodation for asylum seekers is being managed in our area by a Home Office service provider called Serco. We do not have information on the cost of this. The council received a one-off grant from the Home Office of £27,000 in June 2023, based on the number of asylum seekers resident in the Three Counties Hotel on 1 April 2023. This is to support the limited statutory functions of the local authority in connection with asylum seekers being resident in its area. It also receives additional funding if there are unaccompanied children identified in the asylum seekers arriving at a hotel. The council will have responsibility for providing accommodation for them and social care support. The Government will provide some funding to the council if this is the case.

Why are we not looking after our homeless and elderly?

Asylum support is the responsibility of the Home Office while an individual’s asylum claim is being considered. Supporting the homeless and older people remain key priorities for the council. 

Will other hotels in Herefordshire be used?

The Home Office has stated that the asylum system is under incredible pressure and that has forced it to consider all accommodation options. Whilst it has been clear that using hotels to accommodate asylum seekers is not a long-term solution, it will still include hotels as an option to ensure that it meets its statutory obligations. It is therefore likely that the Home Office will actively consider other hotels in Herefordshire which they feel are appropriate for this use.  

Who is responsible for the day to day running of these hotels?

The hotel owner is responsible for the day-to-day running of its premises, such as provision of meals, cleaning and maintenance of the external areas and refuse collection.  The hotel will have on-site facilities and activities including recreational and pastoral care to minimise impact on the local community. Serco has housing officers on site to provide support to those resident at the hotel. They are there 24 hours a day 7 days a week and are on hand to provide support and advice as well as monitoring the service users’ wellbeing, movement and escalate any safeguarding concerns. 

Will the people being accommodated be single persons or families?

This is a decision made by the Home Office and their service provider and is based on need and pressures in the asylum system. Those accommodated in the county are single people and families. 

How long will they remain in Herefordshire?

At the moment, we do not know how long hotel accommodation will be used for this purpose. The average length of stay for individuals in contingency hotels is 6 to 12 months. They may also be moved from the hotel to other accommodation elsewhere, whilst their application is being assessed.

Will people seeking asylum have access to local health services?

Yes, they will be able to access local health services in the same way as any person visiting Herefordshire on a temporary basis would do. They will be registered with the local GP practice.  Each patient will have an initial health assessment. For all future appointments required, people staying at the hotel will request these in the same way as for all other patients. There is a small amount of funding being provided to support the delivery of primary care.

Will school-age asylum seekers be placed in local schools?

School age children of asylum seeking families placed in Herefordshire are given access to education. This is either through attendance at local schools and colleges or through other ways depending upon the needs of those placed here. Unaccompanied asylum seeking children who the local authority has responsibility for, will attend school where they have been placed.

Will there be costs to the Council’s social care services? 

This will depend upon the needs of individuals. The local authority has received a one off grant of £27,000 towards the costs of any statutory services it may need to provide for residents in the Three Counties Hotel and this would include adult social care services if needed. 

What essentials will be provided to asylum seekers at the hotel?

Serco will provide a range of essential items, including toiletries. Residents are provided with three meals a day at their hotel. Options will be provided for any residents with special dietary, cultural or religious requirements when specified by the resident. Asylum seekers will receive £9.58 per week to cover essential living needs, including clothing, non-prescription medicine and travel. The Home Office does not issue mobile phones, but voluntary organisations may provide previously donated handsets.

Will they be given ID?

An Application Registration Card (ARC) which is a credit card-sized plastic card is issued by the Home Office to individuals who claim asylum. It certifies that the holder is an asylum claimant and can remain in the UK while their claim is pending.

Can asylum seekers claim welfare benefits?

Asylum seekers are not able to claim welfare benefits. 

Will people seeking asylum be able to work? 

People seeking asylum are not normally allowed to work in the UK whilst their claim is being considered. They are instead provided with accommodation and support to meet their essential living needs if they would otherwise be destitute. The Home Office may grant permission to work to those whose claim has been outstanding for more than twelve months through no fault of their own. 

Asylum seekers are encouraged to volunteer whilst their claim is being considered. By volunteering for an organisation in the voluntary and community sector, asylum seekers can support their local community, and this will also assist with their integration if they are granted leave to remain in the UK.

Will people seeking asylum be free to leave their hotel accommodation?

Those staying at the hotel are free to come and go from the hotel, should they choose to do so, but are expected to live in their assigned accommodation whilst their application is being processed. They are not held under detention powers and they will not be prevented from leaving. Movement in and out of the hotel is monitored and managed. 

If it is clear that a person is no longer residing in the accommodation, the provider will inform the Home Office to take appropriate action. If a person goes missing whilst in the care of the provider and it has concerns around the circumstances, it will report those concerns to the police. The police will decide what action to take. Serco will also inform the Home Office so it can stop support if appropriate. 

What additional security has been put in place?

Serco provide staff to ensure 24-hour on-site security cover at their hotels, seven days a week. The security presence is in place for the safety and security of those staying and working there and for the property. Serco work with local emergency services to mitigate any risks to their service users and the wider community. 

What is being done to ensure appropriate behaviour inside and outside the hotel?

All arrivals receive an induction and information about UK culture, values and law. This includes information on British values, such as respecting and obeying the law, respecting the rights of others and treating others with fairness.

Specific risks have not been identified and police will be working with council and other colleagues to promote community cohesion and prevent crime in the local area. Feedback from other areas where asylum seekers have been accommodated is that there have been low levels of crime and disorder during their stay.    

The council is in regular contact with Serco, which will enable us to raise any concerns and monitor issues as they arise.  Any concerns about noise and anti-social behaviour from the hotel should be emailed to where it will be raised with the hotel and relevant partners.

Any concerns about anti-social behaviour in the local area should be reported to the police. The police will deal with any such reports or concerns as they would normally do, supporting the victim and dealing with the perpetrator. If you have a crime to report, please contact the Police in the usual ways by either calling 101 or using their online reporting form. Only use 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger or if the crime is happening right now.

All criminal incidents are reported to the Home Office immediately by the provider. The Home Office will then work with the provider to put additional measures in place, if required. This will include working with other statutory bodies including the police to investigate any potential criminal activities.

The Government has a duty to protect the safety of its citizens and all asylum seekers undergo security checks against immigration and police databases to identify those who have been involved in criminality both in the UK and abroad – including war crimes, crimes against humanity and terrorism.

How long will the asylum seekers have been in the country and where will they have come from?

We do not know this, and the Home Office does not comment on individual cases.

We anticipate that most of the asylum seekers will be newly arrived in the UK whilst fewer will have been in the UK for some time whilst awaiting a decision on their asylum claim.

Asylum seekers come from many parts of the world. Government statistics indicate that in the year ending June 2022, the top five countries were Iran, Albania, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea. The number of refugees and people seeking asylum goes up and down, depending on what is happening in the world. Conflict in several countries has swelled recent figures, for example. 

The nationality of those residing at a hotel will vary and they will have different backgrounds and experiences. Specifically, the issue of military experience or training is not known to be an issue anywhere within the asylum programme. 

Why don’t people seeking asylum stay in the first safe country?

There is no legal requirement for an asylum seeker to make their claim in any particular country. Most do stay in the first safe country with 80% of the world’s asylum seekers and refugees living in countries neighbouring their country of origin.

Whilst women and girls make up about half of any asylum seeking, refugee or internally displaced population, they may be left in refugee camps in neighbouring countries while the men leave the camp to take the often risky trip to another country.  

The number one reason that asylum seekers give for continuing their journey to the UK is that they have family ties here. This covers over 50% of cases. Other reasons are more practical, for example, if they speak the language.  It is also not uncommon for asylum seekers to also state their belief that the UK is a safe, tolerant and democratic country and refer to previous links between their own country and the UK.

What about bogus/illegal asylum seekers?

There is no such thing as an ‘illegal’ or ‘bogus’ asylum seeker. Under international law, anyone has the right to apply for asylum in any country, that has signed the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, and to remain there until the authorities have assessed their claim. It is a legal process.

How many refugees and people seeking asylum are there in the UK?

According to statistics from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, as of November 2022 there were 231,597 refugees and 127,421 pending asylum cases (these figures include recent Ukrainians arrivals). This is 0.5% of the UK’s total population. In the year ending June 2022, 76% of initial decisions on applications for asylum resulted in a grant of asylum or other form of protection.

How can I help?

If you would like to volunteer your time to support people seeking asylum or are a voluntary organisation or community group that can offer help, please contact hvoss, a local support service for charities, voluntary organisations and community groups. Please contact them by email: or phone: 01432 343932.