Council budget

Medium term financial strategy

Our medium term financial strategy covers the years 2024 to 2028 and demonstrates how the council will maintain financial stability, deliver efficiencies and support investment in priority services while demonstrating value for money and maintaining service quality. We plan how we will spend our money based on the priorities in the strategy. Herefordshire's key priority areas are:

  • Connectivity - Connecting people digitally and physically across communities, in local neighbourhoods and to the wider world
  • Wellbeing - Helping people feel safe, supported and valuing Herefordshire and their community
  • Sustainability - Pride in Hereford's unique and beautiful environment and rural heritage and tackling the climate challenge through new approaches to sustainability

Annual statement of accounts

Our annual accounts for the preceding financial year are prepared in the period April to May. Under the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 we are required to publish a set of financial statements and supporting notes, including a narrative statement and an annual governance statement.

During the year, Cabinet receives reports on financial performance. The accounts are presented to audit and governance committee and subject to audit by our external auditors to confirm that they are true and fair and free from material errors.

You can download the annual statement of accounts for previous financial years:

Notice of appointment of external auditor from 2018