Corporate Peer Challenge
As a commitment to learning and improvement the Local Government Association (LGA) was invited by Herefordshire Council to review how it operates. The LGA Corporate Peer Challenge provides an independent and objective assessment of achievements, challenges and future plans as the council continues on its journey of development.
The Peer Challenge report from the LGA based on a visit in 2018 acknowledged Herefordshire Council's significant successes, alongside recommendations for improvement to maximise impact and help residents understand the good work being done. The council is recognised as being in a relatively secure financial position over the medium term which provides a platform to realise the county's ambitions.
The LGA findings report included a set of recommendation and in October 2019 the LGA were invited back to review progress. The follow-up letter received in December 2019 found the the council has made significant progress against many of the recommendations. It also outlined there was huge amounts of positivity in the organisation and through conversations with staff, members and partners there is a sense that the organisation is moving forward.