Fraud news and alerts
When we are aware of particular fraud events or scams which may affect you, we will post them here. You can also read relevant local and national fraud news.
Fraud alert - September 2024
We have been made aware about a licensing scam, which has occurred, at a few places around the country.
In brief, someone is contacting premises and saying that their premises licence annual fee is due and demanding payment over the phone.
The procedure for the collecting of licensing fees within Herefordshire is as follows:
- You will only ever receive an email from concerning your annual fee.
- Attached to that email will be a letter from the Licensing Authority concerning the annual fee and how to make payment.
- There are occasions when, if we haven't heard from you, we will phone you. In these circumstances, we suggest that you say you will phone back.
- The correct number is 01432 261761, or alternatively you can pay online using our online payments service.
Fraud alert - January 2024
We have been made aware of scams where people with Telecare services in place are being phoned and told they need to replace their existing lifeline equipment
The caller claims that their new equipment will be cheaper than the equipment already being paid for and they ask for bank details to set up a new direct debit.
If you are eligible for adult social care, we will provide this service for you and we will never ring to ask for money.
Other service providers (such as community alarm providers) may offer paid-for services, but they would also never cold-call and ask for bank details in such a way.
Please remember:
- Don't reveal personal details
- Never give out personal or financial information (such as your bank account details or your PIN) over the phone, even if the caller sounds legitimate
- Hang up
- Ring a trusted phone number (such as a family member) to check your phone line is clear
- Find a contact number for your Telecare provider and call them back to check the call was genuine.
- Don't be rushed
If you are in any doubt, please don't share any personal information and end the call. If you are concerned please contact the team on 01432 261650 or on
You may wish to sign up to the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) which will allow you to opt out of live sales and marketing calls
Age UK also provides advice about cold-callers.
Read the most recent fraud and news reports from Herefordshire Council and around the UK
- 18 November 2024 - Council reaffirms commitment to fighting fraud
- 14 December 2023 - Fraudsters prosecuted for laundering business grants
- 14 November 2023 - Council encourages greater awareness this fraud awareness week
- 3 October 2023 - New £1 million grant scheme for projects that tackle crime
- 8 February 2023 - Herefordshire Council's Counter Fraud Service shortlisted for another award
- 14 November 2022 - Council urges vigilance this fraud awareness-week
- 18 July 2022 - Herefordshire carer jailed after stealing thousands from disabled patient
- 24 May 2022 - Herefordshire pair accused of £179,000 fraud sent to crown court
- 3 February 2022 - Council takes tough approach to tackling fraud
- 16 November 2021 - Herefordshire drivers caught illegally using blue badges to park
- 6 October 2021 - 2021 Tackling Economic Crime Awards (TECAs) finalists
- 19 August 2021 - Clamping down on Covid fraudsters
- 13 April 2021 - Herefordshire carer jailed after stealing thousands from vulnerable clients