Acupuncture, tattooing, cosmetic piercing and electrolysis registration

To offer treatments such as acupuncture, tattooing, semi-permanent skin colouring, cosmetic piercing and electrolysis, both the person performing the treatment and the premises must be registered with us.

About this licence

Acupuncture, cosmetic piercing and electrolysis

Licence Fee 2024/25
Person registration £198
Premises (new or variation) £235
Person transfer £36
Change of business name £21
Transfer £54
Variation £253 plus £236 if committee hearing required
Copy of licence £21


Licence Fee 2024/25
Person registration £292
Premises (new or variation) £343
Person transfer £74
Change of business name £21
Transfer £54
Variation £253 plus £236 if committee hearing required
Copy of licence £21
Application and guidance notes
Processing and timescales

We will inspect your premises to determine its suitability for treatments.

We will aim to process your application within 12 weeks.

Contact us to view the public register.
Contact us in the first instance.
Contact details
  • Telephone: 01432 261761 (All calls are dealt with by our contact centre staff and are allocated to an officer who will take action on the service request between one to ten working days)
  • Email:
  • Address: Herefordshire Council, Licensing Department, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE - for correspondence only
    There is no reception open to the general public in respect of licensing at Plough Lane and staff have no access or ability to photocopy applications or documents.
    You should send applications or documents by email to

Emails to the department are allocated to the appropriate staff member who will take action between one to ten working days.
If you have not had a response before the 10 working days have expired please do not contact us again, as it may further delay a response. Please also ensure you have quoted your licence or taxi licence reference number or given your address in your call/email.
Sending repeat or chaser emails will not prompt a quicker response and may result in a back log of emails and a possible further delay.

Thank you for your understanding.