Relief Road Studies

This comprises of the following studies:

Multi Modal Model Forecasting Report

This study has modelled the impact of the planned future growth of Hereford on the transportation networks of the city. The study updates the Hereford Transport Review with new survey data and upgraded it to a Multi-Modal Study by including consideration of all forms of transport including public transport, cycling and walking in addition to travel by private car.

Hereford Relief Road - Study of Options

This study reviewed possible corridor options to the east and west of the city and assessed them in relation to their environmental, engineering and traffic impacts. The study also includes additional modelling work to assess the role of sustainable transport in helping support growth.

These are study corridors identified for the purposes of the plan making process and not the precise routes. The forthcoming Hereford Area Plan will define the route of any future Hereford Relief Road.

Delivering a Sustainable Transport System (DaSTS)

The regional DaSTS Growth Point Connectivity considered Hereford's role as a designated Growth Point for future development. Its stated aims were to tackle immediate problems and to shape the transport system to meet longer term challenges. The study considered low-cost, specific and innovative sustainable transport interventions to address the transport issues associated with this growth, including smarter choices and initiatives to influence travel behaviour.

