Memorial headstones, memorial tablets and additional inscriptions

With effect from 1 February 2024

For the right to erect a memorial on a grave in respect of which the exclusive right of burial has been granted.

Memorial headstones, memorial tablets and additional inscriptions Cost
A headstone not exceeding 3 feet 6 inches (1050mm) in height and not exceeding 3 feet (900mm) in width. Child-like memorials will only be permitted in the children's section. £81
A headstone not exceeding 24 inches (561mm) in height with a base not exceeding 18 inches (450mm) in width - to be sited in the children's section. Optional kerbing size to include headstone is not to exceed 2' by 4' or a flat or DVT tablet not to exceed 18" x 18". Child-like memorials will only be permitted in the children's section. No charge (on first application)
Kerb set - (includes headstone and/or kerb) kerb not exceeding 7 feet (2100mm) by 3 feet (900mm); headstone not exceeding 3 feet 6 inches (1050mm) in height £240
To erect an approved tablet of 18 inches (450mm) by 18 inches (450mm) on a casket sized plot £81
Additional inscription / renovation / reinstatement £81

Call Bereavement Services on 01432 383200 to obtain an application to erect or carry out work on a memorial.