Who is processing your data

Herefordshire Council is the data controller for the information collected in relation to any applications made for 2, 3 or 4 year old early education funding. Some data is processed on behalf of the council by Hoople, who carry out some of the council's financial work.

How we will use the information we hold about you

We will use the information you provide to:

  • Deliver our services and understand your needs
  • Maintain and update your customer records or contact details
  • Contact you where necessary in relation to the provision of this service
  • Obtain your opinion and feedback about the services we provide
  • Ensure that we fulfil our legal obligations
How the law allows us to use your information

The legal basis for processing your information is our legal obligations under Childcare legislation including the Childcare Act 2006 and the Childcare Act 2016.

Who we will share your information with

Information that you supply to Herefordshire Council may be shared with health, council teams or early years providers. Your information may also be shared with other local authorities, childcare providers and the Department for Education for audit funding requirements or where there is a legal basis to do so.

How long we keep your personal information

The information that you supply will be retained for seven years after funding ceases in line with financial requirements.

Your rights

Under the Data Protection Act you have a right to make a request for a copy of some or all of your personal information we hold about you.

Your data will be held and processed in line with data protection legislation. If you feel that your data is being handled incorrectly, you should speak to Herefordshire Council or your childcare provider in the first instance.

Providing accurate information
We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information you
think is inaccurate. Please help us to make sure that we have identified you correctly by letting us know when you change address or name, and tell us if any of your information we hold is wrong.
Further information

If you have any questions or concerns about how your information is used, please contact the early years service in the first instance.

You can also contact the Data Protection Officer, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE, email informationgovernance@herefordshire.gov.uk

You can find more information about data protection and how it applies to you on the Information Commissioner's Office website.

Service web page
Last updated date
July 2024