- Name of organisation
South Hereford Repair Cafe
- Address
Dinedor Village Hall Dinedor Hereford HR2 6LQ
- Items accepted
We have a team of repair experts who will be present at Repair Café sessions. Our team members are handy with repairing:
- Toys
- Household goods
- Electrical appliances
- Electronic equipment
- Garden tools (excluding those with petrol engines)
- Furniture and other wooden objects
- Clothing and other textile repairs
In addition, we provide a chargeable tool sharpening service.
We also offer hot drinks and delicious homemade cakes to enjoy while you wait.
Visit the website for further information about booking a slot.
Please contact the organisation directly to check the items they currently accept before visiting.
- Website
- https://repaircafesouthhereford.org.uk/