- Name
- UKSPF Low Carbon Public Transport scheme
- Closed
- Deadline
The deadline for full applications was 15 September 2023 at 12 midnight.
The UKSPF Low Carbon Public Transport scheme is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
- Aim of scheme
The aim is to fund low carbon public transport which will reduce greenhouse emissions and promote lower carbon transport choices, and promote improvements to health and well-being.
- Outputs and outcomes
In order to meet the aims and objectives of measure E1 in our UKSPF Investment Plan, we are seeking applications that provide low carbon transport options, resulting in tonnes CO2 saved.
We also expect high utilisation rates and projects to offer good value for money.
- Who can apply
Any organisation with a legal status can apply. This may include local authorities, public sector organisations, higher and further education institutions, private sector companies, voluntary organisations and registered charities. They should be trading or operating in Herefordshire.
- Who is not eligible to apply
- Individuals
- Unconstituted organisations
- Taxi drivers and operators
- What the grant or funding is for
This is a revenue based grant scheme which will support a range of low carbon public transport which demonstrates high levels of utilisation and reduction of C02.
Revenue funds can be used to contribute to the costs of ongoing operational expenses required in the running of the organisation or programmes, including:
- Staff salary costs (including employer National Insurance and pension contributions)
- Overheads related to employing staff involved in delivering activities funded through the grant - capped at 15% of direct staff costs
- Software required in running scheme
- Transport costs
- Training costs
- Hiring of equipment
- Small items of equipment (under £250)
- Marketing and publicity costs
- Printing costs
- Ongoing repair or maintenance costs (where relevant to the project or programme)
- What the grant or funding cannot be used for
The following costs are considered ineligible and must not be included in applications:
- Purchases of large items of equipment or assets (over £250)
- Purchase of vehicles e.g. electric buses, bikes, e-bikes, etc.
- Paid for lobbying, entertaining, petitioning or challenging decisions, which means using the fund to lobby (via an external firm or in-house staff) in order to undertake activities intended to influence or attempt to influence Parliament, government or political activity including the receipt of UKSPF funding; or attempting to influence legislative or regulatory action
- Payments for activities of a party political or exclusively religious nature
- VAT reclaimable from HMRC
- Gifts, or payments for gifts or donations
- Statutory fines, criminal fines or penalties
- Payments for works or activities which the lead local authority, project deliverer, end beneficiary, or any member of their partnership has a statutory duty to undertake, or that are fully funded by other sources
- Contingencies and contingent liabilities
- Dividends
- Shares or bonuses
- Bad debts, costs resulting from the deferral of payments to creditors, or winding up a company
- Expenses in respect of litigation, unfair dismissal or other compensation
- Costs incurred by individuals in setting up and contributing towards private pension schemes
- Alcohol
- Insurance
- Contingency costs
- Infrastructure e.g. electric charging points, docking stations
- How much you can apply for
Revenue grants are available to eligible applicants for a minimum grant of £50,000 and a maximum of £100,000.
- How to apply
Applications for this round are now closed. This is the first call (deadline) for applications. If budget remains after this first call, we will advertise further application deadlines.
- What happens next
Please note items cannot be ordered or purchased prior to receiving a grant offer letter. If an order has been placed before acceptance of the grant offer, the grant offer will be withdrawn.
If your application is successful
You will need to accept the grant offer before placing an order for the items.
All items need to be delivered by and paid for within four months of accepting the offer of grant. All projects must be practically and financially completed by 8 March 2024 (if not earlier).
The grant will only be paid on receipt of a grant claim form, invoices and evidence that the items have been paid in full and delivered to your business address in Herefordshire. The grant is not paid in advance.
- Further information
For further information contact Vinia Abesamis on 01432 260625 or business@herefordshire.gov.uk
UK subsidy control regime
This grant scheme will be administered under minimal financial assistance rules. Applicants must ensure that they are compliant with the UK subsidy control regime. You are asked to confirm this within the full application form.
Alignment with local strategies
Applications should demonstrate how they align with relevant existing or proposed local strategies, such as the Herefordshire UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan, Herefordshire Big Economic Plan, the Herefordshire Cultural Strategy 2019-2029, and Herefordshire's journey to net zero carbon by 2030.
Herefordshire Council is committed to furthering the objectives of sustainable development and expects projects, as far as possible, to take account of all long-term benefits and costs - environmental, social and economic.
All applications should demonstrate how the resulting projects will be run and that they will be financially and environmentally sustainable.
UKSPF procurement
All projects must comply with UKSPF procurement procedures, this includes three quotes for the purchase of any goods or services between the value of £2,500 and £25,000 and once the value of contract exceeds £25,000 opportunities should be advertised via a formal tendering process. For more details, see UK Shared Prosperity Fund: procurement (8). This will be monitored and checks undertaken before a grant agreement is issued.
Branding and publicity
Successful applicants are required to work closely with Herefordshire Council to develop promotional resources and to ensure recognition of funding through the necessary UKSPF branding.
All projects must adhere to the UKSPF branding and publicity guidance.