Information held about you

The clinical waste collection service is provided to households where a healthcare professional has determined that there is hazardous/infectious waste or offensive healthcare waste being produced. This waste is collected separately from your normal household waste. A healthcare professional should make the request for this service on your behalf.

To provide a clinical waste collection service it is necessary for us to collect and hold personal information about you. This information will include:

  • Your contact details: including your name, address, telephone number, email address
  • Why you need the service
  • What type of waste needs to be collected
  • Contact we have had with you, such as home visits, any contact regarding your collections

If our contractor reports that no clinical waste has been put out for collection for four consecutive weeks we may cancel your clinical waste collection service but we will write to you to notify you that we have done this.

Who is processing your data

All personal data held, is processed in accordance with data protection law. The data controller for the information outlined in this privacy notice is Herefordshire Council.

How we will use the information we hold about you

We will collect information about you to:

  • Check that a clinical waste collection service is needed and, if applicable, provide you with the necessary service
  • Contact you to confirm whether a clinical collection service is still needed where no clinical waste has been placed out for a number of consecutive weeks
  • We may use your information to contact you to discuss this service
How the law allows us to use your information

The legal basis for processing this data is:

Who we will share your information with

We may share your information with partner organisations, including:

  • To provide you with a clinical waste collection, we need to share some of the details you provide with our waste collection contractor, FCC Waste Services (UK) Ltd. This information will include your address, contact details and that a clinical collection is needed at the address. This is so they know to carry out the clinical collection at your address and they may contact you to confirm the location that they will collect the clinical waste from. We will not normally share the reason why you need a clinical collection service with our contractor without your prior consent
  • The data you provide is stored within the council's secure ICT systems, maintained by Hoople Ltd
  • We may share the collection service information (for example that a clinical collection service is needed at your address) with third party companies responsible for providing our contractor's ICT systems, for example, in cab software.

We will not normally share your information with organisations other than our partner organisations without your consent. However, there may be certain circumstances where we would share without consent such as where we are required to do so by law, to safeguard public safety, and in risk of harm or emergency situations. We will only share the minimum information for the purpose, on a need to know basis and with appropriate individuals.

How long we keep your personal information

We will only keep your information for the minimum period necessary. The information outlined in this privacy notice will be kept for the length of time you are registered as receiving a clinical collection and for six years after your last collection date. All information will be held securely and destroyed under confidential conditions.

Your rights

You have a number of rights under data protection law, including the right to request your information and to request that the information is amended or erased if incorrect.

To request your records, you will need to provide proof of identification and write to the Information Governance Team, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE or email

You also have the right to make a complaint about our handling of your personal data to the Information Commissioner's Office.

Providing accurate information
It is important that we hold accurate and up to date information about you to assess your needs and deliver the appropriate services. If any of your details have changed, or change in the future, please tell us so that we can update your records.
Further information

If you have any questions or concerns about how your information is used, please contact waste management in the first instance.

You can also contact the Data Protection Officer, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE, email

You can find more information about data protection and how it applies to you on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.

Service web page
Last updated date
28 August 2024