The integrated review - progress check at age 2
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Parents and/or carers, health services and early years providers are all working together to support children to have the best start in life.
What does the integrated review involve?
1. A health and development review
When a child is aged 2 to 3, their parents/carers are invited to attend a health and development review, conducted by a health professional (usually a child's health visitor or community nursery nurse).
During this appointment, parents/carers will have an opportunity to:
- Complete an 'Ages and Stages' questionnaire
- Discuss all areas of their child's development
- Raise any developmental concerns they may have
The health and development review enables professionals to provide early intervention to support a child's individual needs.
2. Early Years Foundation Stage progress check
If a child attends an early years setting, an Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) progress check will be completed when the child is aged 2 to 3. If possible, this will be done before the child's health and development review to enable parents/carers to share the completed record with the health visiting team.
The provider will ask parents/carers for their thoughts on their child's interests and development at home before completing the report including their own observations and assessments.
During the review meeting, providers will discuss the following with parents/carers:
- A child's strengths
- Areas for development
- Support that can be put in place to meet their needs and give them the best start in life
The parent/carer will then be asked to give their consent to the information being shared with the health visitor, children's centre and any relevant support teams.
The results of the education progress check should be kept in the child's personal child health record (the 'red book') and will be reviewed by the health professional during the child's health and development review.
For further information see the What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a guide for parents (pdf).
Supporting resources for early years settings
- The DfE has published Guidance for the progress check at age 2
- The DfE has also published a blog on the Foundation Years website explaining the importance of progress checks, particularly in light of the pandemic
- Development Matters and/or Birth to 5 Matters (pdf) are non-statutory guidance which set out how children develop and learn. The non-statutory guidance materials must not be used as assessment checklists or for tracking purposes