Accessibility at elections

Everyone should be able to register and cast their vote without facing barriers. They should be able to vote on their own and in secret. The Elections Act 2022 introduced changes to further assist disabled voters at polling stations.

Harry, who works for Mencap and has a learning disability, has shared his own experiences of voting in a polling station.

In Herefordshire, we have tried to ensure that all polling stations across the county are fully accessible by ramp or elevator to any voter with mobility restrictions. Every polling station is also equipped with at least one wheelchair-accessible polling booth.

Inside the polling station there are clear instructions on how to vote in both written and picture formats, and our friendly polling station staff are on hand to help you. They are trained to offer impartial guidance on the voting process and to maintain a stress-free environment throughout the day.

There are also a number of other ways you can receive support to cast your vote. Our friendly and helpful polling station staff will make reasonable adjustments where possible.

Accessing the polling station

  • All polling stations are visited and assessed in advance in terms of accessibility
  • Temporary ramps are put in place to support access for voters who use a wheelchair or have difficulty using steps
  • Where possible, polling stations are identified which have car parking provision so that disabled voters can park as close as possible to the station

Support within the polling station

Disabled voters can choose anyone who is over 18 to accompany them in the polling station to help them vote. You can also ask the person in charge of the polling station, known as the Presiding Officer, to help you fill in your ballot paper. They are legally bound by the Requirement for Secrecy and your vote will remain secret.

We will also take all reasonable steps to support voters with disabilities to improve the range and quality of support.

My Vote My Voice have created a polling station passport document (pdf) to help people with learning disabilities and autism to vote. It includes advice about voting and how to ask for help at the polling station.

Every polling station will have the following equipment and support in place:

  • Badges and hi-vis jackets, which clearly identify polling station staff who can assist
  • Additional staff at entrances and exits at polling stations particularly where doors are required to remain shut - for example, fire doors
  • A chair to sit on while you wait to vote if you need one
  • Adapted level polling booth for wheelchair users
  • The ballot box placed on a low-level table or chair so that it is accessible to a wheelchair user
  • Access for your guide or assistance dog
  • Tactile voting device (a device that attaches to a ballot paper to allow blind or partially sighted voters to mark their ballot paper)
  • Large print versions of ballot papers to view
  • A braille copy of the ballot paper. This can be given to visually impaired voters for reference when marking their ballot paper
  • Ballot paper magnifier (a hand-held device which allows you to magnify any part of a regular-sized ballot paper)
  • Language translations (instructions on how to vote in additional languages)
  • Assistance from a companion (you can bring someone you trust with you to help you cast your vote as long as they are over the age of 18 and eligible themselves to vote in the election)
  • Assistance from the Presiding Officer (the polling station's Presiding Officer can act as your companion and join you in the polling booth to help you cast your vote)
  • Pencil grips to help voters with dexterity impairments to more easily hold and use a pencil independently

In addition to the above, the Returning Officer also allows voters with disabilities to use any text-to-speech apps, torch or magnifier that they have on their phone, to assist them in reading their ballot paper.

Ways to vote

Voting in person at the polling station is not the only way you can vote. You may also apply to vote by post or by proxy:

Easy-read guides for voters

Visit the links below for easy-read guides about voting and registering to vote:

Guides for voters who are visually impaired

The following guide provides information about voting for blind or partially sighted voters: