UK Parliamentary General Election

The UK General election will take place on Thursday 4 July 2024. Voters in Herefordshire will be voting for their Member of Parliament.

Herefordshire is divided into two parliamentary constituencies:

  • Hereford and South Herefordshire
  • North Herefordshire

Information and official notices regarding the UK General Election, both before and after the poll will be published on this page.

Who can I vote for

Find out about candidates in your area by going to Democracy Clubs website

Election deadlines

Registering to vote

Poll cards are being posted by Friday 7 June 2024. These will go out to anyone currently registered to vote.

The deadline to register to vote was midnight on Tuesday 18 June.

Find out more about registering vote.

Postal votes

The deadline to apply for a postal vote for this election was 5pm on Wednesday 19 June 2024.

We are looking to issue overseas postal votes on Monday 17 June 2024. We are looking to post the remaining postal votes for the first issue on Wednesday 19 June 2024. Applications made closer to the deadline will be issued in subsequent runs on 21 and 28 June.

We are looking to open postal votes each working day from Monday 24 June up to and including polling day. This will take place at the Assembly Hall, Town Hall, St Owen Street, Hereford, HR1 2PJ. Find out more about voting by post.

Full information regarding the above will be included in official appointment forms following the close of nominations. Please be aware that all dates are reliant on our printers. If any of the above dates change, we will notify you immediately.

Proxy votes

The deadline to apply for a proxy vote for this election is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024. Find out more about voting by proxy.

Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificates

If you vote in person at the polling station but you don't have any acceptable photo ID you can apply for a voter authority certificate. To receive your voter authority certificate in time for the upcoming UK General Election on 4 July 2024, the deadline to apply is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024.

Find the full list of acceptable voter ID and more information about how to apply.

Find your polling station

You can use our postcode checker to find your polling station:

Find your polling station

View a full list of polling stations in use for each constituency:

Changes to polling stations

There are two venue changes since May's Police and Crime Commissioner Elections:

  • Winforton Community Hall has been changed to Whitney-on-Wye Village Hall (North Herefordshire Constituency)
  • Pentwyn Court has been changed to Redhill Residents Association (Hereford & South Herefordshire Constituency)

Accessibility at elections

There is practical support available to enable you to access polling stations and to cast your vote. View the facilities available at polling stations and find easy-read guides on how to vote.


We would like to remind all candidates, agents and political parties of legislation surrounding flyposting and the erection of signs on the highway.

Herefordshire Council as a Highways Authority does not allow the display of election material on any highway maintainable at public expense on any street lighting columns, street signs, traffic signals, utility equipment or other items of street furniture. The display of signs upon any structure or tree on or in the highway, which also includes footways, grassed areas and central reservations is a criminal offence under the Highways Act 1980.

Please instruct your teams that political signage must not be installed within the highway extent. Any political signage placed on the highway will be removed, including signage placed in or on verges, fencing and signposts. If you wish to report any flyposting please log this online at reporting graffiti and flyposting.

Home Office private security offer for General Election candidates

Earlier this year the government provided funding in support of defending democracy and the election process. Part of this funding has been used to put in place private security provision for general election candidates.

Primary responsibility for security during the general election lies with policing. In the first instance, if you consider yourself to be at risk of harm, or you believe a crime has been committed, please contact your local police on 999 or 101. You can also contact your local Operation Bridger Single Point of Contact to relay concerns or issues. Police are able to fund additional patrolling in areas that might benefit from a policing focus.

Dependant on fulfilling criteria and scope, and supplementary to policing activity, the Home Office can also provide private security. This ranges from accredited door supervisors to additional private security provision, available dependant on risk. The Home Office can also provide Situational Awareness Training and Cyber Security Awareness Training beyond that provided by policing.

The Home Office will consider requests for security on a case by case basis, judging each request on its own merits. To request security, please email


The verification and counting of votes will take place at Hereford Leisure Centre, Holmer Road, Hereford, HR4 9UD.

The verification of votes will begin at 10pm on Thursday 4 July 2024 followed by the count.

Information regarding the appointment of counting agents and guests will be included in official appointment forms following the close of nominations.

If you have any queries regarding this information please contact us on 01432 260107 or email