The Hereford Public Art Trail is an easy 2-mile loop of Hereford which takes about 1 hour to complete at a moderate pace.

Hereford Public Art Trail

The Hereford Public Art Trail is an easy 2-mile loop of Hereford which takes about 1 hour to complete at a moderate pace.

Download the trail map or pick up a printed version at key transport hubs, outlets and sites across the city.

Public Art trail maps

You can also use the Hereford Public Art Trail Google map:

Wall murals

Eight wall-based murals commissioned by Studio Response to celebrate Hereford's rich identity, heritage and connection to nature.

Situated at key gateway locations into and around the city, the artworks help to tell our city's cultural story.

The commissioned artists ranged from international level to local Herefordshire talent.

The locations and artists are:

Sculpture Trail

A partnership project jointly commissioned by Hereford College of Arts and Meadow Arts to celebrate 170 years of creative education in the city.

The trail draws inspiration from old pictorial trade signs of the 17th and 18th centuries, and reimagines this tradition for the 21st century.

The eight artworks hang from disused shop signage brackets to create a sculpture trail through the city.

Collage of the murals and sculptures that are part of the public art trail

Date: 2nd April 2024 - 1st April 2025 Recurs daily.

Location: Hereford Hereford

Cost: Free