Early Help Family Support

Early Help Family Support offers targeted support to families in Herefordshire with a range of needs who may have already received some help but this wasn't successful in improving the situation.

We work with children, young people and families who have been assessed through an Early Help Assessment (EHA) which is completed with your agreement. As a family you can agree whether the support identified will meet your needs and the EHA will help you and your family get back on the right track.

You will be provided with a Family Support worker who will work with you in accordance with the EHA to bring about positive change. This will involve regular supportive home visits and 'Team around the Family' meetings with other organisations who can support to ensure the right help is being provided to support your family’s needs.

The Early Help Family Support Workers are trained in a range of different areas and can provide direct one-to-one support to children, young people and parents. They can assist with general parenting advice, positive behaviour management strategies and provide support when there are difficulties relating to parental separation, domestic abuse or other issues that may affect families.

Direct work with children and young people is an important part of each Early Help intervention but it can take many different forms depending on the needs identified. Family Support Workers have a range of different skills that they can use to assist you and can support around themes such as anger management, bereavement, young carers, exploitation, low school attendance, domestic abuse and other areas.

If you feel that you need some help from a Family Support Worker, please contact either a trusted professional who is already working with you and your family and request an Early Help Assessment or contact our CHAT team on 01432 260261.

Targeted support from Home-start and Vennture

Home-Start Herefordshire

Home-start are commissioned to deliver befriending for children, young people and their families. They are able to work with children, young people and families who have been assessed through an Early Help Assessment (EHA).

Volunteers visit families in their own homes, once a week for two to three hours, to provide extra support, whether it's a listening ear or offering practical help. They can also signpost to additional support.


Vennture offer family mentoring for children, young people and their families. They are able to work with families who have been assessed through an Early Help Assessment (EHA).

They offer trained Family Pastors, who work alongside families in their homes, for an hour a week, to listen, encourage and support change.