Mental wellbeing

Mental wellbeing can be described as 'feeling good and functioning well'. There are five steps you can take to improve your mental health.

  • Connect and spend time with the people around you, like your family, friends, colleagues and neighbours.
  • Be active. Go for a walk, cycle or play a sport you enjoy. NHS Better Health suggests ideas on how you can be more physically active.
  • Be more aware of the present. Noticing how you are feeling and thinking right now, and what's happening in the around you, will help you realise what matters to you.
  • Keep learning as this will boost your self-confidence and self-esteem, and build a sense of purpose. Herefordshire College of Arts and Herefordshire and Ludlow College offer courses locally.
  • Give to others. Even the smallest act of giving like a smile, a thank you or a kind word, counts. While doing more by volunteering with an organisation locally can improve your mental wellbeing and help you build new friendships.

Herefordshire Mind provides support for people affected by mental distress, while NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Talking Therapies runs free courses on topics such as anxiety and depression.

You can find out more information about mental health at: