Make changes to a watercourse

So that flooding is not made worse, we need to ensure that ditches, drains and streams continue to flow properly. You may need Ordinary Watercourse Flood Defence Consent from us, if you intend to carry out work (including temporary works), which could affect the flow of water within a watercourse, which is not a main river and is not looked after by an internal drainage board. This could be a new pipe (culvert), bridge, dam, pond or other structure in the watercourse or a change to the alignment or the banks of the watercourse.

Even if you have planning permission or other consents you may still require consent. It is essential that you obtain consent before starting the work as we will not, under any circumstances, issue retrospective consent.

Our Ordinary watercourse consent information sheet contains further details and examples of structures that might require consent.

Please contact us before you apply to find out whether or not you need consent. If we have advised you that you do need to apply for consent, please read the Guidance notes for ordinary watercourse flood defence consent carefully and complete an application.

The direct and indirect environmental impacts of the proposed works should be considered. Details should be provided of any measures being undertaken to minimise disruption to the environment and to reduce any unwanted impacts while the work is being carried out. If it is felt that the proposed works would present environmental risks, then further environmental appraisal works may be requested.

For further information, the GB Non-native Species Secretariat website includes guidance and advice on how to help stop the spread of invasive plants and animals in our waters. The Herefordshire Wildlife Trust website provides information on white-clawed crayfish. You can find information on how to avoid harming protected areas and species during development work on GOV.UK.

Apply online for ordinary watercourse flood defence consent

Download a paper Application for ordinary watercourse flood defence consent

Hydraulic models

Areas around the Yazor Brook (Hereford) and the Withy, Norton and Red Brooks (Hereford) are of particular flooding concern. If you want to build or develop properties around the Yazor Brook, you should look at our flood data first.

Herefordshire Council can provide Modelled Flood extents of these areas for a £400 fee (inclusive of VAT). For further information about the models contact