Leominster High Street Heritage Action Zone Scheme

Following the festive break, contractors are now finalising work in a few areas to support the enhancements to Leominster town centre and improve safety. This includes the installation of new metered power outlets for markets and events, and the installation of seats and planters. Weather permitting, these final items will be complete early next month. We have asked the contractors to minimise disruption to the public and local businesses, and this work should not require the closure of any of the recently reopened roads.

The work to the High Street, Iron Cross, Butter Cross and Victoria Street have been essentially completed and free access for pedestrians and traffic restored. Viewed alongside some of the shop-front improvement grants distributed as part of the Leominster HSHAZ scheme, the shops and streetscape are looking great, and public feedback on the improvements has been positive.

Local people and visitors to Leominster have been saying how pleased they are with the attractive finished result of improvement work to pavements, roads and public spaces.

Completed resurfacing Leominster HSHAZ project

The enhancements to the main roads in the heart of the town include attractive road surfacing, improved paving, wider pavements and raised tables at the major junctions making it safer and easier for pedestrians.

The heritage appearance has been maintained through the use of natural stone and the reuse of materials where possible.

The improvements to the public spaces complement the renovation work on a number of shopfronts and buildings in the town including the restoration of facades to reflect the original detail and character of key historic buildings.

The improvements were made possible thanks to the Leominster High Street Heritage Action Zone project – a multi-million pound regeneration initiative funded by Historic England and Herefordshire Council in partnership with Leominster Town Council.

This major investment in the market town has transformed buildings, restored local historic character and created more attractive and engaging public spaces, helping to make the town a more vibrant place to live, work and visit.

Completed resurfacing 2 Leominster HSHAZ project

Councillor Philip Price, Cabinet Member Transport and Infrastructure said: "Firstly, I would like to thank the Leominster businesses and residents who have been very patient during the improvements. For a number of reasons the work took a few weeks longer than originally planned, but now there are just the finishing touches to complete, feedback is that visitors are pleased with the attractive end result.

"When we started the Leominster High Street Heritage Action Zone project we asked local people what improvements they wanted to see in their town centre. Residents and visitors told us that the pavements were too narrow, walking surfaces were very uneven and drainage was an issue. We have addressed all of these while ensuring the unique, historic heart and heritage of Leominster is maintained.

"We are confident the improvements will help to encourage more visitors to the town centre for years to come, helping to boost trade for businesses."

Councillor Gill Murdoch, Mayor of Leominster, said: "The Town Council is pleased that the much needed investment in the centre of Leominster is almost complete. It seems ages ago that the first steps were taken to secure the funding for this project.

"It is wonderful to see the new look, in keeping with our historical buildings, being safe and attractive at the same time. Residents and visitors will enjoy the benefits of the public realm improvements."

Further information

You can discover more about Leominster's history, buildings, art and people at Leominster Heart & Heritage.

For further information on projects in the Leominster HSHAZ Scheme, please email LeominsterHSHAZ@herefordshire.gov.uk