Other volunteering opportunities
There are hundreds of voluntary and community organisations throughout the county which rely on help from volunteers and can offer a variety of formal or less formal opportunities to get involved. Many of these can be found through Herefordshire Voluntary Organisations Support Service (hvoss). You can contact their volunteer bureau on 01432 343932 or email volunteer@hvoss.org.uk
Local websites
National websites
- Join in - Be the first to hear about exclusive national volunteering opportunities, fun and rewarding ways to support community sports clubs in your area
- Do it - Do-it.org lists over 1 million volunteering opportunities that are posted by volunteer centres, national and local charities and voluntary groups
- Vinspired - The UK's leading volunteering charity for 14 - 25 year olds, helps young people to make their mark on causes that they care about, while learning new skills and talents along the way