Our climate emergency declaration

In response to increasing awareness of the impacts of climate change, Herefordshire Council declared a climate emergency on 8 March 2019.

Following this, in September 2019, we committed to take a major step to minimise our impact on the environment, agreeing to:

  • Accelerate a reduction of emissions and aspire to become carbon neutral by 2030/31
  • Deliver an updated carbon management plan and associated action plan for council emissions by April 2020
  • Work with strategic partners, residents and local organisations to develop a revised countywide carbon dioxide reduction strategy aspiring for carbon neutrality by 2030
  • Use 100% renewably sourced energy where this provides the best carbon reduction return on investment

View the cabinet meeting report under agenda item 6, Appendix 1, Executive Response to the Climate Emergency.

A Task and Finish Group was established to carry out a climate emergency review to contribute to the design and delivery of the council's new climate change commitments. The group reported back to the general scrutiny committee on Monday 25 January 2021.

Contact us with your climate change feedback

We're keen to hear your ideas for reducing emissions or other ways to help get the council and county to net zero. Please email us your suggestions:

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