The application seeks confirmation that the work undertaken to
implement the Planning Permission was lawful insofar as the sole pre- commencement condition (Condition 2 - external materials) was discharged within the requisite period and that material operations, comprising the formation of the access road described above, were undertaken within 5 years of the date of the Planning Permission i.e. prior to 20th July 1994 (as per condition 1). This application also seeks confirmation that development permitted by the Planning Permission but not yet undertaken can be carried on.
Sutton Walls
353066 - 245774
Case officer
Simon Withers
Agent name
Mr Ed Thomas
Agent address
Tompkins Thomas Planning 13 Langland Drive Hereford Herefordshire HR4 0QG
Applicant name
Mr & Mrs J Rees
Applicant address
The White House Sutton St Nicholas Hereford Herefordshire HR1 3AX