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Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
DCC044350/T Belmont Rural, Belmont - prior 2015, Roundabout Nr Tesco Superstore A465 Belmont Road Newton Farm, Hereford HR2 7HB 15m High Telecommunication monopole, 3 no antenna within shroud, 2 no outdoor cabinets and ancilary development thereto Telecom Developments Determination Made (Prior Approval Refused) Friday 3 December 2004
P043787/J Belmont Rural, Belmont - prior 2015, 52 Westholme Road Belmont Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 7SX Remove lowest bough over drive and deadwood crown of 1 oak Works to trees covered by TPO Determination Made (Trees covered by TPO – Consent Granted) Friday 24 September 2004
DCC043338/F Belmont Rural, Belmont - prior 2015, Tesco Stores Ltd Abbotsmead Road Belmont, Hereford, Herefordshi HR2 7XS Variation of condition 10 of planning permission CW2001/1848/F to allow for one tanker delivery to petrol station on Sundays between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Planning Permission Appeal Determined (Refused) Tuesday 14 December 2004
DCC043151/F Belmont Rural, Belmont - prior 2015, Adjacent To Tesco Stores Petro Abbotsmead Road Belmont, Hereford, Herefordshi HR2 7XS Retrospective application for 11 car parking spaces Planning Permission Decision Made (Withdrawn) Thursday 23 June 2005
DCC042766/F Belmont Rural, Belmont - prior 2015, Tesco Stores Ltd Abbotsmead Road Belmont, Hereford, Herefordshi HR2 7XS Proposed enclosure of existing unloading dock and installation of new electrical sliding gate to service yard Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 10 February 2005
DCC043133/A Belmont Rural, Belmont - prior 2015, Tesco Stores Ltd Abbotsmead Road Belmont, Hereford, Herefordshi HR2 7XS Internally illuminated signage suspended from underside of petrol station canopy Advertisement Consent Determination Made (Refused) Wednesday 15 December 2004
DS042743/A Belmont Rural, Belmont - prior 2015, Tesco Stores Ltd Abbotsmead Road Belmont, Hereford, Herefordshi HR2 7XS Internally illuminated gantry sign, various non illuminated directional & info signage, cupboard trolley bays. Advertisement Consent Appeal Determined (Split Decision) Tuesday 31 May 2005
DCC042721/A Belmont Rural, Belmont - prior 2015, Tesco Stores Ltd Abbotsmead Road Belmont, Hereford, Herefordshi HR2 7XS One internally illuminated free-standing panel Advertisement Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 25 August 2004
DCC042577/T Belmont Rural, Belmont - prior 2015, Grass Verge Alongside Tesco St Belmont Road Belmont, Hereford, Herefordshi HR2 7XS Installation of 10m high telecommunications parallel column with 3 no.shrouded antennas together with radio equipment housing Telecom Developments Determination Made (Prior Approval Not Required) Tuesday 15 June 2004
DCC042355/F Belmont Rural, Belmont - prior 2015, Tesco Stores Ltd Abbotsmead Road Belmont, Hereford, Herefordshi HR2 7XS Amendment to planning permission Ref: CW2001/1848/F to accommodate a re-positioning of the approved bulk store extension (no increase in floor space) together with a free standing canopy in association with home delivery service Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 1 September 2004