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Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
P183505/FH Goodrich, Kerne Bridge, Bearwood Goodrich Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 6JF Proposed first floor extension and single storey extension. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 6 November 2018
P183498/FH Ross-on-Wye Town, Ross West, Crossfields Daymerslea Close Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5PG Remove flat roof from garden room and replace with a pitched roof. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 6 November 2018
P183187/O Bridstow, Llangarron, Land South West of Wilton Lane Wilton Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire Proposed development of 9 new dwellings and access. Outline Appeal Determined (Refused) Thursday 7 February 2019
P183175/FH Goodrich, Kerne Bridge, Over Kerne Goodrich Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 6JH Proposed front extension to form porch. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved) Monday 12 November 2018
P183078/F Ross-on-Wye Town, Ross West, Unit 1 Homs Road Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7DE Variation of Condition 2 of Planning permission SH930364/PF and Conditions 4 & 5 of Planning Permission SH980058/PF. To allow storage and display of goods outside and change to trading hours. Planning Permission Determination Made (Refused) Monday 29 October 2018
P183068/FH Linton (Penyard), Penyard, Spring Meadow Sparrows Lane Kilcot Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7SH Proposed alterations to front elevation of existing house to enlarge living room (to include removing existing bay windows) and rebuilding front porch. Rear extension. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 6 November 2018
P183554/K Ross-on-Wye Town, Ross East, Chasebank House Smallbrook Road Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7DW T1 - Holly in corner adjacent to wall - fell. T2 - Holly - fell (in conifer canopy). T3 - Reduce height of conifer adjacent to large hazel. T4 - Large Hazel - reduce to under wires and cut overhang from neighbours property. Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) Tuesday 16 October 2018
P183461/AM Bridstow, Llangarron, Orles Barn Hotel Old Nursery Close Wilton Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 6AE Non-material amendment 180530/O (erection of 4 no. 4 bedroom dwellings,access, egress, parking, turning and manoeuvring - variationof permitted access and egress. Non Material Amendment Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 2 October 2018
P183450/F Bridstow, Llangarron, Orles Barn Hotel Old Nursery Close Wilton Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 6AE Proposed access to serve Orles Barn. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 6 November 2018
P183403/J Sellack, Llangarron, 6 Caradoc Meadow Sellack Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 6GJ Proposed works to T1 to T7 (T2 Larch is dead and permission granted tofell), G3 and W1 adjacent to the paddock east of no. 5 and 6 Caradoc Meadow to reduce excessive shading that prevents grass growth, better amenity value by encouraging undergrowth of blackthorn, hawthorn, holly etc. under the trees and most importantly keep clear for safe mowing. Proposed 10 year tree management plan required. Works to trees covered by TPO Determination Made (Trees covered by TPO – Consent Granted) Tuesday 16 October 2018