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Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
DS040790/F Orcop, Pontrilas - prior 2015, Mount Pleasant Garway Hill Herefordshire HR2 8RU Erection of wind turbine on 11m high tower Planning Permission Appeal Determined (Refused) Tuesday 13 July 2004
DS041325/F Orcop, Pontrilas - prior 2015, The White House Garway Hill Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 8RU Two storey extension and rebuilding porch to existing dwelling Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 7 April 2004
DS041190/F Garway, Pontrilas - prior 2015, Garway Moon Inn Garway Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 8RQ Proposed two storey extension to guest accommodation Planning Permission Determination Made (Refused) Friday 16 April 2004
DS033875/F Orcop, Pontrilas - prior 2015, Well House Garway Hill Herefordshire HR2 8RT Use of land for static mobile home (for a period of three years) Planning Permission Determination Made (Refused) Wednesday 17 March 2004
DS033107/F Orcop, Pontrilas - prior 2015, Garway Radio Mast Garway Hill Herefordshire HR2 8RU 1.8M dish at 20.5M on existing 60M tower Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 1 December 2003
DS023132/F Garway, Pontrilas - prior 2015, Tanglewood Farm Garway Hill Hereford HR2 8HA Construction of new porch and entrance lobby Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 6 November 2003
DS032850/O Garway, Pontrilas - prior 2015, Site Adjacent To Old Post Offi Garway Common Garway, Hereford, Herefordshir HR2 8RF Site for detached dwelling Outline Appeal Determined (Refused) Thursday 29 January 2004
DS032763/F Garway, Pontrilas - prior 2015, Little Adawent White Rocks Garway Hill, Hereford HR2 8RX Alterations to existing outhouse. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 30 October 2003
DS032242/O Orcop, Pontrilas - prior 2015, Bakers Lane Garway Hill Herefordshire Site for agricultural dwelling Outline Determination Made (Refused) Wednesday 29 October 2003
DS032720/F Garway, Pontrilas - prior 2015, Pengarstone Garway Common Garway, Herefordshire HR2 8RE Proposed two storey extension, detached garage Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 24 October 2003