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Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
S112281/F Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye West - prior 2015, 6 High Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5HL Replacement shop front and internal alterations. Planning Permission Determination Made (Withdrawn) Tuesday 27 September 2011
S112180/L Whitchurch, Kerne Bridge, Norton Cottage Whitchurch Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire HR9 6DJ Proposed installation of multi-fuel stove. Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 27 September 2011
S111794/A Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, 13 Gloucester Road Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5BU Three Fascia signs and one illuminated projecting sign Advertisement Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 21 September 2011
S112177/AM Linton (Penyard), Penyard, Purlieu Barn Woodend Lane Linton Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7SR Proposed Non-Material minor amendment to planning permission DCSE0009/1627/F - Omission of timber cladding infill and two small windows to covered link on rear elevation and addition of glazed door and side screens to exising covered link on rear elevation. Non Material Amendment Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 31 August 2011
S112175/J Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, 15 Beechwood Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7QE Crown reduce 1 x Walnut tree by 33% by thinning and shortening lower lateral branches. Lift canopy over neighbouring property to reduce encroachment. Works to trees covered by TPO Determination Made (Trees covered by TPO – Consent Granted) n/a
S112135/K Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye West - prior 2015, Ross-On-Wye Police Headquarter Old Maids Walk Ross On Wye Herefordshire HR9 5HB Remove lower branches from 1 x Copper Beech up to a height of 4m from ground level. Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Determination Made (Trees in Cons Area Works Can Proceed) n/a
S112121/FH Linton (Penyard), Penyard, Hillside Cottage The Line Linton Ross On Wye Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7RU New replacement storage shed Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 5 September 2011
S111972/F Linton (Penyard), Penyard, Revells Farm Linton Ross On Wye Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7SD Proposed change of use of paddock to equestrian riding area Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 5 September 2011
S112097/F Bridstow, Llangarron, Dadnor Court Dadnor Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire HR9 6QL Proposed change of use of agricultural land to a private menage. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 2 September 2011
S111941/F Upton Bishop, Old Gore, Ridge Cottage Upton Bishop Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7UD Proposed change of use of physiotherapy clinic to domestic use of log cabin. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 2 September 2011