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Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
S110853/J Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, Ross Court Retirement Home Over Ross Close Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7BQ Reduce height of 25 x Cupressaceae between Ross Court and 8 Overross Close to match those in the portion of the hedge to the south west. Works to trees covered by TPO Determination Made (Trees covered by TPO – Consent Granted) n/a
S110782/FH Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, 21 Alton Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5JJ Erection of rear single storey extension to create a kitchen and dining room. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 26 April 2011
S100874/F Weston under Penyard, Penyard, Woodfields Weston-under-Penyard Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7PG Use of land for polytunnels and change of use of part of the land for the stationing of mobile home accommodation for seasonal workers (retrospective). Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 22 April 2011
S110436/FH Sellack, Llangarron, Marsh Villa Sellack Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire HR9 6QU Single storey extension. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 20 April 2011
S110712/A Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, 32 Gloucester Road Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5LE Proposed new ATM signage and vinyl’s. Advertisement Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 20 April 2011
S110599/FH Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye West - prior 2015, 57 Duxmere Drive Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5UW Erection of conservatory to rear. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 19 April 2011
S110545/F Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, Plot 3 Merrivale Farm Merrivale Lane Ross-on-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5JF Erection of detached two storey four bedroom house with attached garage. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 12 April 2011
S110523/L Llangarron, Llangarron, The Old Granary, Langstone Llangarron, Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 6NR Proposed amendment to existing Listed Building Consent DCSE2008/0346/L. Omit double doors to N.E elevation, add window to N.E. elevation, add solar panel to S.W elevation, amend internal layout to reduce number of bedrooms. Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 12 April 2011
S110616/FH Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, 27 Eastfield Road Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5JZ Two storey and rear extension and detached single storey garage. Full Householder Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 8 April 2011
S110571/A Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye West - prior 2015, 50 High Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5HJ Removal of existing internal window merchandising and installation of new. Installation of ATM tablet over external cash dispensing machine. Advertisement Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 8 April 2011