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Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
DS042263/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Palmers Court East Attwood Lane Holmer, Hereford, Herefordshir HR1 1LJ Proposed replacement garage with playroom over Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 21 July 2004
P042111/J Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Thuya House 3 Holmer Park Attwood Lane Hereford HR1 1JY To reduce crown of 1 Thuja by approximately 4m Works to trees covered by TPO Determination Made (Trees covered by TPO – Consent Granted) Friday 11 June 2004
DS041997/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Westlands Coldwells Road Holmer, Hereford, Herefordshir HR1 1LH Ground floor extension and conversion of barn to provide ancillary accommodation Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 9 July 2004
DCC042000/L Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Westlands Coldwells Road Holmer, Hereford, Herefordshir HR1 1LH Ground floor extension and conversion of barn to provide ancillary accommodation Listed Building Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 9 July 2004
DCC041929/F Holmer & Shelwick, Burghill, Holmer and Lyde - prior 2015, Land At Attwood Lane Holmer Park Hereford Construction of 32 dwellings and associated works Planning Permission Decision Made (Withdrawn) Monday 4 October 2004
DCC041852/F Hereford, Aylestone - prior 2015, Holmer Trading Estate College Road Hereford HR1 1JS Renewal of permission no. CE1999/3278/F for proposed industrial units for B2 use. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 20 May 2004
DCC041805/F Hereford, St Nicholas - prior 2015, 13 Holmer Street Whitecross Hereford Change of use from hair salon to office Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Friday 11 June 2004
DS041524/A Hereford, Three Elms - prior 2015, Former Casa Premises Holmer Road Hereford HR4 9SA Externally illuminated freestanding totem & hoarding. Advertisement Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Monday 10 May 2004
DCC041364/A Hereford, Three Elms - prior 2015, Starting Gate Travel Inn Holmer Road Hereford, Herefordshire HR4 9RS Internally illuminated public house signs Advertisement Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 12 October 2004
DCC041343/U Hereford, Three Elms - prior 2015, Hereford Mtw Holmer Road Hereford HR4 9SH Use of Hereford MTW as part of the BT Telephone Engineering Depot. Certificate of Lawfulness (CLEUD) Determination Made (Refused) Monday 10 May 2004