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Application number Site address Description Type Status Comments by
DS052296/F Brampton Abbotts, Old Gore, The Old School House Brampton Abbotts Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 7JE Extension of entrance hall including cloaks and sun lounge (reduction in roof pitch) Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Wednesday 5 October 2005
DS052291/F Whitchurch, Kerne Bridge, White House Great Doward Symonds Yat, Ross-On-Wye Heref Proposed alterations & Extensions. Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 25 August 2005
DS052282/F Llangarron, Llangarron, Hazelnut Cottage And Adjoining Llangrove Nr Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire Non-compliance with condition 5 of Planning Permission SE2005/1118/O relaxation of highway visibility splays Planning Permission Determination Made (Refused) Friday 26 August 2005
DS052055/F Walford, Kerne Bridge, Warren Farmhouse Leys Hill Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire Alterations and extensions, extension of domestic curtilage. Planning Permission Decision Made (Withdrawn) Monday 22 August 2005
DS052221/F Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, Unit 7, Ashburton Industrial Estate Station Approach Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7BW Change of use of existing building from warehouse to commercial flooring business with retail outlet. Planning Permission Determination Made (Refused) Friday 19 August 2005
P052260/K Linton (Penyard), Penyard, Court House Linton Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 7RY To fell one pear tree Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Decision Made (Undecided) n/a
DS052225/F Walford, Kerne Bridge, Greystone House Walford Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 5RJ Conversion of and alterations to existing garage to provide additionalbedroom and bathroom as ancillary accommodation to Greystone House Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 9 August 2005
DS052168/F Goodrich, Kerne Bridge, Huntsham Court Farm Goodrich Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 6JN Building to house cattle Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Tuesday 23 August 2005
DS052069/A Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye East - prior 2015, Unit 1 The Maltings, 41 Broad Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire Fascia sign Advertisement Consent Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 4 August 2005
DS051854/F Ross-on-Wye - prior 2015, Ross-on-Wye West - prior 2015, 13 Kyrle Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7DB Change of use of basement and ground floor to office from residential Planning Permission Determination Made (Approved with Conditions) Thursday 11 August 2005