Shared Lives in Herefordshire

Shared Lives is designed to support adults with learning disabilities, mental health problems, or other needs that make it harder for them to live on their own. The scheme matches an adult who has care needs with an approved Shared Lives carer. These carers share their family and community life, and give care and support to the adult with care needs.

Martha and Reuben Fosberry are Shared Lives carers in Herefordshire, and they find no two days are the same:

"We love being Shared Lives carers - it is a rewarding way to give a person who needs a little extra help the chance to access this support in a normal, everyday way. The individual who comes to live with you shares in your family's life and the daily rhythm of your home. This could mean something as simple as a hot meal together, popping to the supermarket, watching TV, gardening or warm company and a friendly ear. Outside of Shared Lives, this form of care would usually come in the shape of day services or residential care. We cannot recommend it enough!"

In Herefordshire, over 56 people who need support to lead safe, healthy and independent lives visit or live with around 44 approved Shared Lives carer households. They share family and community life together, enabling people who need support to stay in the area, make new friends and recover from hospital to live an ordinary life, instead of being in a care home.

Here are some of their stories:

Sadie, Lloyd and Brian

Shared Lives Sadie, Lloyd and Brian

Sadie, Lloyd and Brian live with Beryl, who is the second generation to support them over the last 40 years. Sadie and Lloyd have been married for 35 years. They enjoy walking Gemma the dog, shopping in Abergavenny, living as part of the family, the vegetable patch, choosing what to eat and where to go on holiday.


Shared Lives Becky

Becky says

"Before I lived with my shared lives family, I was in foster care. It is a really nice place to live and they help me live independently."


Shared Lives Liz

Liz lives with Helen and Dave who are third generation shared lives carers.

Liz says

"It's wonderful, fantastic, because Helen is a loving person and Dave is nice - he cooks breakfast on Saturdays!"


Shared Lives stories: Richard

Richard has lived with his shared lives family for 11 years. He used to live in a support housing scheme but people took advantage of his good nature.

Richard says

"I like shared lives because my carer is there when I need him. I can go wherever I want to and enjoy myself."


Shared Lives stories: Sarah

Sarah has lived with Lesley and Mark for four years. Her life was not a happy one, but this has changed and she is thriving now. She loves lambing, outward bound activities, horse riding and holidays with her extended family.

Karen and George

Shared Lives carers Jacqui and Karen, with Lisa, Dan, George and Lee

Karen says,

"I have been a Shared Lives carer for 32 years I was only going to do it for 2 years but I got attached to the people I supported so I'm still here. I remember all the people I have supported. Some moved due to changing needs, others have gone on to independent living.

"I like to think I have made a difference to the people I have supported but never was I prepared for someone who would benefit so much until I met George. George came to us quiet, shy, humble and polite. He had never been on holiday, never been on a plane or to the beach and was very fussy about what he would eat. Our household like going to music weekends and away on holiday. Initially George said he wouldn't go, didn't like the idea of planes and dancing. We respected that. Then he decided to try a music weekend, a song came on he liked, he swung his jacket over his shoulder and started to dance. He danced the night away!

"I have had the privilege of watching this lovely, shy, insecure man develop into a confident, happy member of my family. He has a wicked sense of humour, gets on well with everyone and enjoys a family home life with the support he needs. He just soaks up all that life can offer him and enjoys every new experience."

George says,

"My life before was a nightmare. I came out the other side of the tunnel where there is light. Everyone of Karen's family have treated me as if I am a king. Karen is the governor of all carers. Doesn't matter how much work there is she likes putting a smile on people's faces. All carers doing this should get a standing ovation."

Are you interested?

We recruit, assess and train Shared Lives carers who live throughout Herefordshire; the carers then provide care and support to people in the carer's own home.

We offer long term and respite/short breaks with Shared Lives arrangements, working with adults of any age who wish to live or stay within a supported family-based Shared Lives setting.

If you would like more information on Shared Lives, either about living in a long term or short breaks Shared Lives arrangement, or for becoming a Shared Lives carer, please get in touch with the team using the details below.

Shared Lives Scheme contact details

Contact hours: Monday -Thursday 9am to 5pm, Friday 9am to 4pm

Telephone: 01432 260798

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