Understanding Herefordshire - statistics and data
The Understanding Herefordshire website provides a range of statistics and intelligence about the county's people and places and is the evidence base for Herefordshire's joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) of health and well-being needs.
It is a source of useful information about the wider determinants of health and provides up to date local intelligence that can help us to better understand the quality of life, needs and opportunities of people and groups within communities. It is therefore aimed at anyone who has an interest in understanding our communities, whether you analyse data yourself, or need to make sure that your service planning decisions are informed by evidence.
The site uses sources such as the 2011 Census, the Indices of Deprivation and a wide range of other open access data, as well as internally generated intelligence. It covers topics such as population and demographics, deprivation, health and social care, lifestyles, education, the environment, the economy, and housing.
Information from the Census and the Indices of Deprivation for wards and areas within them can be accessed from Herefordshire ward profiles.
Understanding Herefordshire is maintained by Herefordshire Council's Intelligence Unit. If you want more information about the website or the JSNA, email the team at researchteam@herefordshire.gov.uk or call 01432 261944.