Land charges
Local Land Charges (LLCs) are imposed on the owners of a piece of land by authorities like the Highways Agency, English Heritage, environment agencies or local councils.
They affect the current owner and any subsequent owners. Details of LLCs are kept on a register by the local council.
LLCs include:
- Conditions imposed in a planning decision
- Conservation areas
- Enforcement notices
- Tree preservation orders
- Financial charges, for example for work carried out in default
- Notices served under Acts relating to buildings, waterworks, highways, housing, and planning
You can make searches to discover if a piece of land has any registered LLCs.
What is a local land charge search?
A local land charge search allows you to search for registered Local Land Charges (LLC) and obtain information held by various departments of the local council.
Download the search request form
Full local authority search (LLC1 and Con.29)
In a full local authority search, we will search the Local Land Charge Register and also consult with other relevant council departments.
Examples of information which may be disclosed on the Con. 29 are outstanding notices relating to:
- Building works
- Environment
- Health and safety
- Housing
- Highways
- Public health
A full local authority search costs £178.
There are various optional questions that can be requested when you apply for a search. The fees are set out below.
The relevant council department will deal with any other additional enquiries not on the forms directly.
Local land charge register only (LLC1)
In a local land charge register search, only charges on the register will be disclosed. Charges still in the process of being made will not be shown.
A search of the local land charge register only is £42.
Con.29 information
Individual questions on Con.29 forms may also be requested. (For fees please see table below).
Personal search
You or your representative can make a personal search of the LLC register. There is no charge for a personal search.
Make an appointment to view the LLC register - email
We will then make the local land charges register available for inspection.
You can also personally search records held by the council and other bodies. If you do this, it is your responsibility to find the correct information. We always recommend that you carry out a full local authority search.
Our team can also supply Con.29 information from your local authority for a fee.
If you would like to inspect the raw data, you can visit the relevant departments. You can find contact details on forms Con.29 and Con.29O.
Guidance on requesting a local land charge search
When making an application for a local land charge search you will need to:
- Provide two plans from an up-to-date extract from the Ordnance Survey to the scale 1:2500 if possible
- Outline the search area in red on the plans
- Include the correct postal address on your search
Please note:
- Search results are produced using the primary source of the submitted plan.
- The onus is on the submitting party to ensure that the plan and address are correct.
- Any discrepancy between the address and plan may produce additional or fewer disclosures.
- The search reply will be for the area outlined in red only and will not include abutting properties or land.
Download and complete the land charge search request form
If you require information on an abutting property or other areas please contact us for advice and fees. We will only answer enquiries relating to additional side, back or abutting roads if road names are referred to or highlighted on the submitted plan.
Please ensure your reply address is the same on both the LLC Register and local authority forms, for example your email and/or postal address. We will use this address for all replies and returns.
Costs of a local land charge search
You can use our online payments service to pay for LLCs.
Fees are correct as of 1 April 2024.
Cheques should be made payable to Herefordshire Council.
- Fee for certificate (LLC1) £42 (no VAT)
Each additional parcel of land £1 (no VAT) - Con29R enquiries £136 (inc VAT)
Each additional parcel of land £44 (inc VAT) - Basic search fee for LLC1 and Con29 (i.e. standard search) £178 (inc VAT)
excluding parcels
Individual Con29 enquiries
Con29R | Fee | Con29O | Fee |
Con29R: 1.1 (a-i) Planning | Fee: £15 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 4 Road proposals by private bodies | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 1.1 (j-l) Building Control | Fee: £9 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 5 Advertisements | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 1.2 Planning Designations and proposals | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 6 Completion Notices | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 2 Roads and Public Rights of way | Fee: £21 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 7 Parks and countryside | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.1 Land required for public purposes | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 8 Pipelines | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.2 Land to be acquired for road works | Fee: £9 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 9 Houses in Multiple Occupation | Fee: £9 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.3 Drainage matters | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 10 Noise Abatement | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.4 Nearby road schemes | Fee: £9 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 11 Urban Development Areas | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.5 Nearby railway schemes | Fee: £9 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 12 Enterprise Zones, Local Development Orders and BIDS | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.6 Traffic schemes | Fee: £9 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 13 Inner urban improvement areas | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.7 Outstanding notices | Fee: £9 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 14 Simplified planning zones | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.8 Contravention of building regulations | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 15 Land maintenance notices | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.9 Notices, orders, directions and proceedings under Planning Acts | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 16 Mineral consultation and safeguarding areas | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.10 Community infrastructure levy(CIL) | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 17 Hazardous substance consents | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.11 Conservation Area | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 18 Environmental and pollution notices | Fee: £9 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.12 Compulsory Purchase | Fee: £9 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 19 Food safety notices | Fee: £9 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.13 Contaminated Land | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 20 Hedgerow notices | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.14 Radon Gas | Fee: £9 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 21 Flood Defence and Land Drainage consents | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) |
Con29R: 3.15 Assets of Community Value | Fee: £6 (inc VAT) | Con29O: 22 Common Land and Town or Village Greens | Fee: £30 (inc VAT) |
Cancelling a search
Please note that once you have submitted a search, you can only cancel it on the day of receipt.
Local land charge performance and standards
We do not operate a fast track service, but we will help all we can if a search is urgent.
We aim to:
- Provide information as quickly and accurately as possible
- Answer any queries in a professional and courteous manner
- Keep improving the service in order to respond to your needs
Our staff follow a code of practice for personal searches. For a copy, please contact us.