Vote at the polling station

If you are registered to vote, you can cast your vote in person at your local polling station. Voting at a polling station is very straightforward and there is always a member of staff available to help if you're not sure what to do.

If you are on the electoral register you will receive a poll card before the election telling you where and when to vote.

How to vote at a polling station

If you vote at a polling station you now need to show photographic ID.

Find out more about Voter ID at polling stations

On election day, go to your local polling station - this will be shown on your polling card. Polling station opening hours are 7am - 10pm.

Find your polling station using your postcode

When you get to the polling station:

  1. Give the polling clerk your name and address and they will check that you are registered to vote
  2. Show your photographic ID to the polling clerk and they will check your ID matches your name on the register of electors
  3. They will give you your ballot paper
  4. Your ballot paper will tell you how many votes you can cast
  5. Take your ballot paper(s) to the polling booth
  6. Read the instructions in the booth and mark your ballot paper(s)
  7. When you have marked your ballot paper(s), fold them so nobody can see how you have voted
  8. Put your ballot paper in the box

View an easy-read guide to how to vote at the polling station

Your vote is yours alone

In any election in the UK, your vote belongs to you. Whether you vote at a polling station, by post, or via a proxy, it's your decision. It's illegal for anyone to influence you to vote against your will.

What is voter fraud?

Voter fraud can take many different forms. No-one, not even a partner or family member, is allowed to:

  • Pressure you into voting a certain way
  • Offer you something in exchange for your vote
  • Pretend to be you at the polling station
  • Complete your postal vote for you

If someone tries to take your vote, or the vote of anyone you know, call the charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or visit

Accessibility at polling stations

We do everything we can to make sure voting at our polling stations is as easy as possible for everyone, including anyone with a disability. Read more about accessibility at our polling stations.