Childcare sufficiency

Local authorities must ensure there is sufficient childcare in their area and show commitment to local level childcare requirements as per the Childcare Act 2006. Elected members must also be updated on sufficiency and the service must also make this information available to the public (Children and Families Act 2014).

Early years and childcare sufficiency report

View our childcare sufficiency report

Our team has the most recent local district data which can inform childcare settings and professionals on what is going on locally within the early years sector and assist in the allocation requirements of the early years pupil premium and for Best Start.

Information is available on:

  • Availability
  • Funded places - including Best Start
  • Openings and closures
  • Quality
  • Employment
  • Birth and population statistics
  • Health
  • Free school eligibility
  • Key ward data
  • Development and education
  • Economic wellbeing