Children with speech, language and communication difficulties in the early years

Woman teaching young girl

Most children who have speech and language and communication needs attend their local childcare provision. Support and training is available for the setting from our early years team and from your child's speech and language therapist (if they have one).

The speech and language therapy service at Wye Valley NHS Trust provides assessment and intervention for children and young people with speech, language, voice, communication and feeding or swallowing difficulties. This is to reduce the impact of these difficulties on their wellbeing and their ability to participate in their everyday lives.

If your child is attending speech therapy sessions, it is important to share this information with your child's childcare provider. It would also be useful for staff to see copies of reports and therapy plans as they can then make sure your child is working on developing their speech and language at the setting too.

If you have any concerns about your child's speech and language development it is important to speak to someone about it as early as possible.

Speech and language drop-in sessions

If you have questions or concerns about your child's speech and language development, you can access support at a pre-school speech and language drop-in session. Sessions take place on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month and are usually held at Franks Avenue Community Centre in Hereford. Speech and language therapists are available at every session to discuss your concerns and agree on next steps. They might give you reassurance and advice about how you can help your child at home. Or they may decide, with your consent, that your child should be referred to speech and language therapy for a more detailed assessment. This is the main referral route into the speech and language therapy service for preschool-age children only. 

Child Development Centre - Talk Talk group

Children within their pre-school year whose language is severely delayed or disordered can access this specialist group provided within a communication friendly environment. Access to the group is through a referral from the appropriate agencies. The group provides intensive intervention to meet needs arising from the child's specific speech and language difficulties.

Children will be assessed formally and informally and reviewed termly by the speech and language therapist and class teacher in conjunction with parents. The child's transition into school will be supported through the group in liaison with pre-schools, schools and parents. You can find out more about the Talk Talk group in their leaflet.

Children must meet the language group criteria to attend the group.

Speech and language toolkit

If you would like to know more about how to support your child's speech, language and communication development, take a look at the free speech and language toolkit.